Friday, January 7, 2011

# 38

~~It’s funny how the people who know me the least have the most to say~~
To every girl/boy who gossiped about me in corners of parties, to those who were my slap in the face, to the close minded or misunderstanding, to those boys that broke my heart, and to those friends who turned out to be back stabbers. you all challenged me to become the person i wanted to be. i am stronger because of all the stupid things you put me through. no matter how much you have done to me, you have unknowingly done so much more for me. so, thanks.
Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top.”

~~False friends are worse than bitter enemies~~

The nearest I can make it out, “Love your Enemies” means, “Hate your Friends!!XoXo (^_^)


Adhia Razak said...

Chayok2 dear.. =) Nice pic la kat ure blog nie.. suke2.. =)

Dhiya-Su said...

hahahr..ramai sgt manusia penyebok sejak akhir2 ini..kwn talam 2 muka pn ada, x layak dpanggil kawan..nice ea, tQ kak~~